

Whatever you try to avoid or ignore before, it will find its own way back to haunt you.


A quote of the day

I think it is easier to write down something, maybe not in your first language about yourself.
Because it's so hard to face myself sometime.
I was weak, and yes I realize the outcome of publicly admitting that I feel vulnerable from time to time.
And I'm not shame of it.
At least that is a start, at least, in my opinion.



July 18,
Suday afternoon, hanging out with S, too bad W is upset about it because we really are, just good friends.
Don't you know I love just you?


早上去了Stephen Thomas的課, 心裡惦記著今天沒練Mysore。
但Stephen 將是我密集訓練ㄧ個月的老師, 我必須先認識並熟悉他的方式。
在練習手倒立時,發現這其實是Anusara練習倒立的方式, 和我熟悉的頭倒立不ㄧ樣。
心裡想, 我是不是會被逐出師門呢, 在不知情的狀況下練了Anusara, 應是不知者無罪吧。

上完Stephen的課, 卻覺得很hyper, 急著想再練Ashtanga, 記起Stephen 在ㄧ開始說的, 如果在練習前, 覺得很疲憊, 就使勁的練習, 如果很hyper, 就放慢, 放鬆的練, 讓身體的氣平衡, 再開始體位法的練習。

我帶著身上這一團火回到家, 仍然不太適應的坐在書桌前, 身上的運動服還穿著, 心裡想著, 要學習面對不一樣的能量帶來的感覺, 即使困難, 但是個開始。

至於手倒立, 唉, 我在試圖回想小時候到底怎麼翻觔斗的。